PrestaShop Theme Provider FULL 1.6

95,00 € tax incl.

PrestaShop Theme Provider module provides complete API to integrate 3rd party web applications with PrestaShop 1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6/.17.

Availability : Instant Download

Latest version : 1.6.01 (CHANGELOG)

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The PrestaShop Theme Provider module provides complete API to integrate 3rd party web applications with PrestaShop. Does not require file editing, class overriding or changing of the PrestaShop template files.

Overview - PrestaShop Theme Provider

  • Provides complete API to integrate 3rd party web applications with PrestaShop
  • Features compatibility with thousands of other PrestaShop modules
  • Does not require editing or overriding of any files
  • Supports our ultimate PrestaShop SEO module
  • PrestaShop multistore compatible
  • Comes with a full feature set

Features - PrestaShop Theme Provider

  • Provides complete API to integrate 3rd party web applications with PrestaShop

    Connectors are currently available for WordPress and phpBB (others are under development).
    Connectors that integrate 3rd party web applications to PrestaShop will always be available free of charge.

  • Perfect compatibility with other PrestaShop modules

    Does not require file editing or class overriding - your PrestaShop will stay compatible with thousands of other PrestaShop modules.

  • Complies with strict PHP standards.
  • Editing of the PrestaShop template files not required

    Does not require editing of the PrestaShop template files.

  • Features separate optimized versions

    PHP 5.0/5.1/5.2, PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.0/7.1/7.2/7.3. All in one package!

  • Does not break any installed modules or themes
  • Displays left or right columns (sidebar) with just one simple click

    Displays PrestaShop's left or right column in the connected web application (such as WordPress) just by changing the option in the PrestaShop BackOffice (it requires PrestaShop 1.5 or higher).
    No need to edit or adjust the PrestaShop template files!

  • Three modes of integration of the connected web app to PrestaShop

    Apart from the Isolated runtime mode it enables two other modes with significantly better performance and user experience: the Direct cache access mode for customers who prefer blazing-fast performance and the Shared runtime mode for those who prefer the entire content of the page to be fully dynamic and want to give an extraordinary user experience to their visitors.

  • Allows instant usage of any installed template in the connected web app

    Automatically adjusts the CSS selectors of the connected web app on-the-fly and restricts those styles only to the web app elements. Supports CSS 1, 2, 2.1 & 3 or any later backward compatible CSS version.
    It will instantly fix the design issues and the page layout of any template of the connected web app (it will resolve the CSS issues & conflicting styles) which means you can immediately use any stock template!

  • Blazing fast performance

    Uses cache for the Isolated runtime mode and the Direct cache access mode and ensure fast server response time while maintaining low server load.

  • Outstanding technical support

    You will get our top notch email technical support.

Requirements - PrestaShop Theme Provider

  • PrestaShop 1.3.x.x/1.4.x.x/1.5.x.x/1.6.x.x/1.7.x.x
  • PHP5 and later versions (it includes PHP 7.0/7.1/7.2/7.3)
  • Zend Optimizer 3.0 and later or Zend Guard Loader or ionCube Loader installed as PHP extension (free download)*

What do you get after purchasing PrestaShop Theme Provider module?

  • Inveo PrestaShop Theme Provider FULL 1.x
  • Licenses to use on one (1) live and two (2) development sites (the number of licenses can be increased in special cases - such as a separate HTTPS site - upon request at no charge)
  • Full documentation (including the installation and update instructions)
  • Free and very fast Technical support (2 years)
  • Installation service (optional for a fee) and WordPress or phpBB installation (optional)
  • Free product updates within purchased series

* Even if your web host doesn't have the Zend Optimizer/Zend Guard Loader/ionCube Loader installed, we are able to install it on most web servers (administrator/root permissions are not necessary).

Version History1.6.01
  • Compatibility with the recent PS 1.7 versions resolved
  • New feature: PHP 7.3 support
  • New feature: PHP 7.1/7.2 support
  • Inveo Loader updated to 2.2.4
  • New feature: PrestaShop 1.7 support
  • New feature: PHP 7.0 support
  • New feature: CSS processor with extended functionality
  • New feature: smart caching for CSS assets
  • General compatibility was significantly improved
  • Multi store compatibility was improved
  • General compatibility was improved (PrestaShop 1.6)
  • Minor user-interface changes
  • General compatibility was improved
  • Invalid (X)HTML code produced with some templates was fixed
  • Adjusting of CSS files was improved
  • Certain issues with ionCube Loader were fixed
  • Complies with strict PHP standards again
  • General compatibility was improved
  • Code optimization and clean-up
  • HTTP authorization support with PHP running via CGI was added (PHP 5.4 or later required)
  • Verbose troubleshooting messages were added
  • HTTP authorization issue was resolved
  • General compatibility was improved
  • Compatibility with PrestaShop 1.6 was improved
  • Maintenance mode notification was improved
  • Some issues with HTTP functions were resolved
  • Restored functionality on servers with Suhosin installed
  • ionCube support was added
  • A few PHP warnings fixed
  • An option to make API access public or private was added
  • General compatibility was significantly improved
  • Stability on servers with some PHP functions disabled was improved
  • PHP 5.6 compatibility was fixed
  • Blank page on some servers was fixed (PCRE backtrack limit issue)
  • CloudFlare (Auto Minify) compatibility was fixed
  • Doctype issue was fixed
  • Adjusting of CSS files was improved
  • Compilation issue was fixed
  • HTTPS compatibility with recent PrestaShop versions was fixed
  • Support for exceptions of module positions (blocks) was fixed
  • Adjusting of CSS files was improved
  • Display left or Display right column (sidebar) options were added (requires PS 1.5 or higher)
  • PS compatibility was improved
  • Version compliancy with buggy PrestaShop versions was fixed
  • PHP 5.0-5.2 compatibility was fixed
  • All the Fatal errors with older PHP versions were resolved
  • PrestaShop 1.6 compatibility was improved
  • Inveo Loader 2 was updated to 2.0.6 version
  • The configuration screen is automatically displayed during the installation
  • Option to enable and disable cache compression
  • Option to disable cache for users
  • Shared runtime mode added
  • Inveo Loader2 added
  • Direct cache access mode added
  • Initial release with Isolated runtime mode
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The VAT rate for your country (US) * is 0,0 % because it is not a member of the European Union (EU).

* Please create an account if your country does not match.

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Thank you very much, the loading times of both the web and the back office have been considerably reduced.

Manuel, the owner of Motos Manu

Wow, thank you very much! Excellent support like this is greatly appreciated!

Todd, the owner of Pez Collectors Store

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