[Zen Cart] Google Bot Crawl URL

Magic SEO URLs for Zen Cart.
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[Zen Cart] Google Bot Crawl URL

Postby ross_t » Mon Jan 20, 2014 2:28 am

I have noticed when I look at active sessions (bot sessions) on my domain that the Google Bot crawler crawls the regular ZenCart URLs and not the MagicSEO nice URLs which are dynamically presented to the User when browsing the store. The MagicSEO Sitemaps Addon looks ok and does contain the Magic SEO nice URLs, but when I see Google Bot crawling the site it is looking at the RAW ZenCart standard URLS.

I am confused by this as I would have thought that Google Bot would get presented with the Magic SEO URLs and crawl these and index these?

Addition:- I have since found out that our store correctly shows MSU nice URL when viewing a Product Page, but all the links to product pages in the source HTML at the non-SEO original ZenCart URLs. So if I hover over the product links in the Product listings (e.g. Featured Products, Product Listing etc...) then it shows the old ZenCart URL in the status bar. Google Bot will obviously also see this non-SEO URL and hence try to index it. How can I make sure that all links generated are the MSU SEO ones, so that when I hover over the product links, it looks like it will link to the nice MSU SEO one?

Inveo Support
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Re: [Zen Cart] Google Bot Crawl URL

Postby inveo » Mon Jan 20, 2014 7:53 am

Please post us your web site URL. Thank you.

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Re: [Zen Cart] Google Bot Crawl URL

Postby ross_t » Mon Jan 20, 2014 8:17 am

Thank you ~J~, I have sent you a PM.

Inveo Support
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Re: [Zen Cart] Google Bot Crawl URL

Postby inveo » Mon Jan 20, 2014 9:49 am

Thank for URL.

It's not working correctly because MSU domain and ZC domain does not match.

You need to either

  1. change "domain.com" to "www.domain.com" in your includes/configure.php file
  2. re-activate MSU for "domain.com" instead of "www.domain.com".

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Joined: Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:26 am

Re: [Zen Cart] Google Bot Crawl URL

Postby ross_t » Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:03 am

Thank you so much, you are a genius... I don't know how this setting ever got changed, but it is certainly the problem.

Thank you for such a speedy response.

Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:26 am

Re: [Zen Cart] Google Bot Crawl URL

Postby ross_t » Tue Jan 21, 2014 1:51 am

Hello again ~J~,

further to the thread above, we have been informed by our web host that our domain names in configure.php need to be YOURDOMAIN.com and not www.YOURDOMAIN.com.

Therefore, can you please explain how we take option 2 in your post above, to regenerate the MSU for YOURDOMAIN.com ?

A quick reply would be appreciated, since we are struggling to get our customers to login at the moment with this problem.

Many thanks.

Inveo Support
Posts: 1285
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:07 pm

Re: [Zen Cart] Google Bot Crawl URL

Postby inveo » Tue Jan 21, 2014 9:09 am

Please see PM.