[phpBB] Magic SEO URLs and phpBB 3.1.6
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2016 10:02 pm
[phpBB] Magic SEO URLs and phpBB 3.1.6
I uploaded the files on my dev server for test before install on the live forum. But in STEP 6 nothing happened - http://dev.flowersnet.info/?inveoActivation. In other steps happened nothing too.
Version of my forum - phpBB 3.1.6
PHP Version 5.3.25
ZendGuardLoader is installed on the server - http://prntscr.com/dllhgm
The installation pack contains empty .htaccess but the .htaccess in the forum directory is not empty. Should I upload it or not? In the installation directory there are two files - feed.php and feed_30.php. feed.php is a forum feed file and if upload all the files as mentioned in STEP 3 this one will be rewrited. Is it OK?
This is my installation files - http://prntscr.com/dllg1y
My order details - http://prntscr.com/dllgzy
Thanks in advance!
Re: [phpBB] Magic SEO URLs and phpBB 3.1.6
and then refresh the page: http://dev.flowersnet.info/?inveoActivation
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2016 10:02 pm
Re: [phpBB] Magic SEO URLs and phpBB 3.1.6
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2016 10:02 pm
Re: [phpBB] Magic SEO URLs and phpBB 3.1.6
Re: [phpBB] Magic SEO URLs and phpBB 3.1.6
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2016 10:02 pm
Re: [phpBB] Magic SEO URLs and phpBB 3.1.6
х (%D1%85) - not correct x, must be h
X (%D0%A5) - not correct X, must be H
ъ (%D1%8A) - missing, must be a
Ъ (%D0%AA) - missing, mus be A
щ (%D1%89) - not correct sch, must be sht
Щ (%D0%A9) - not correct SCH, must be SHT
Re: [phpBB] Magic SEO URLs and phpBB 3.1.6
х (%D1%85) - h
X (%D0%A5) - H
щ (%D1%89) - shch
Щ (%D0%A9) - SHCH