PHP 5.3 with Zend Guard Loader
PHP 5.3 with Zend Guard Loader
Re: PHP 5.3 with Zend Guard Loader
Re: PHP 5.3 with Zend Guard Loader
Re: PHP 5.3 with Zend Guard Loader
Re: PHP 5.3 with Zend Guard Loader
Do you have any other debugging suggestions?
Re: PHP 5.3 with Zend Guard Loader
Re: PHP 5.3 with Zend Guard Loader
How can I disable Inveo Magic SEO URLs for a specified file?
You can do so by altering installation line to e.g.:
if(!in_array(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), array('file1.php', 'file2.php'))) include(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'magic_seo_url.php');
where file1.php and file2.php are disabled files for Inveo Magic SEO URLs.
Re: PHP 5.3 with Zend Guard Loader
Code: Select all
if(!in_array(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), array('shopping_cart.php', 'login.php', 'create_account.php', 'checkout_shipping.php', 'checkout_payment.php', 'checkout_confirmation.php', 'checkout_success.php'))) include(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'magic_seo_url.php');
Re: PHP 5.3 with Zend Guard Loader
Re: PHP 5.3 with Zend Guard Loader
Code: Select all
if ($request_type != 'SSL') {
if(!in_array(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), array('shopping_cart.php', 'login.php', 'create_account.php', 'checkout_shipping.php', 'checkout_payment.php', 'checkout_confirmation.php', 'checkout_success.php'))) include(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'magic_seo_url.php');