[osCommerce] SEO .htaccess
[osCommerce] SEO .htaccess
Re: [osCommerce] SEO .htaccess
matts5150 wrote:does upgrading to 2.x reduce the number of lines in .htaccess or how does it improve performance?
The number of lines in .htaccess has been reduced about 40%.
matts5150 wrote:I've got about 8,000 items?
MSU performance is not related to number of items, because all data are read from cache (once is initialized) and the access time is same - no matter how many items catalog contains (Magic SEO URL for phpBB3 is successfully used on a number of forums with over 500 000 posts).
matts5150 wrote:Also do you offer it as an upgrade price or do want full price yet again, I bought 1.x about 8-9 months ago.
Upgrade price is not currently offered, maybe after all products get new 2.0 core.
Re: [osCommerce] SEO .htaccess
Can you list the new features added to version 2.x, I see the features listed for both however they look the same.