[osCommerce] Performance drops when MSU active [Solved]
[osCommerce] Performance drops when MSU active [Solved]
When I disable MSU the category (depth = 1) loading time goes from an average 2,5 seconds to about 0,1 seconds, allmost instantly. I have very few products, how could MSU have this enormous effect on loading time??
I have switched it on and off and on and keep seeing this performance difference. What causes this problem?
I have another site with MSU that performs good, but I use no categories on that site.
for testing I have made a copy with and without MSU enabled
http://www.powersupplements.de/index.php (MSU enabled)
http://www.powersupplements.de/no-msu/index.php (MSU disabled)
Re: [osCommerce] Performance drops when MSU active
~J~ wrote:
- Make sure cache is working properly (look into cache/fancy-data directory if there are created any files)
- update PHP to most current version (5.2.6 used, 5.2.9 is the latest)
- update Zend Optimizer (3.3 used, 3.3.3 is the latest)
- Decrease page source code size (by using CSS layout, removing unused tags etc.). The smaller is source code, the faster is MSU.
My cache directory is filled nicely, seems to be working ok.
PHP Version: 5.2.2
Zend Optimizer v3.3.9
Source code is nothing special with this OScommerce installation. I allready have quite a clean setup.
On my server with MSU working properly I have:
PHP Version: 5.2.5
Zend Optimizer v3.3.9
Would PHP version 5.2.2 to 5.2.5 make such a difference ???
I will ask my provider to update to the 5.3.4 version