[osCommerce] Is necessary to re-generate .htaccess file?
[osCommerce] Is necessary to re-generate .htaccess file?
Sorry me, but I have another question
Everutime that I change the description of the product, used in the new url, should I change the htaccess file and the link (url) in adwords?
If yes, how do I update de htaaccess?
Thank you very much,
Everutime that I change the description of the product, used in the new url, should I change the htaccess file and the link (url) in adwords?
If yes, how do I update de htaaccess?
Thank you very much,
Re: [osCommerce] Is necessary to re-generate .htaccess file?
.htaccess file is necessary to (re)generate only during the installation or update process. You can leave your AdWords URLs but we would suggest to change it (it saves a redirect).
Re: [osCommerce] Is necessary to re-generate .htaccess file?
Thank you very much.