[osCommerce] Different Registers Globals MOD problem

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[osCommerce] Different Registers Globals MOD problem

Postby KFrank » Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:57 pm

I have an oscmax cart. I put in the code for register globals and the problem I am having is when a customer logs in if they had a saved cart they can not see it yet it is still in the database. However if I change the following code in catalog/includes/functions/sessions about line 112 from the mod found here back to the original the cart shows back up. The code anywhere else does not seem to cause a problem with the cart.

Below is the mod code from here

Code: Select all

function tep_session_is_registered($variable) {
  if(isset($_SESSION[$variable])) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

Here is the original code that makes the cart for the customer show back up.

Thank you very much

Code: Select all

function tep_session_is_registered($variable) {
  return session_is_registered($variable);

Is it because I have customer groups. I am totally lost on this. I have someone else checking on it as well but I thought you may know since you had written the code. Do I need that part of the code since everything else seems to work. Our host is going to php5 and mysql 5 next week.

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Re: Different Registers Globals mod problem

Postby inveo » Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:19 pm

It looks like there is a problem with other changes you have made.
Please bear in mind, this MOD is for osCommerce, not osCMax.