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[osCommerce] Category depth not as deep as set?

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 6:33 am
by shotputty
I have category depth set at 2. (since the beginning). When I create categories it works fine (instantly). But when I create a category within a category it doesn't work. Is this supposed to work at level 2 or should it be at level 3 ?

I need to mention, my .htaccess does not regenerate at all. I used .htaccess information from my other MSU license to get it working. :?

What are the visible things that change in .htaccess when increasing category depth? I don't mind making some manual adjustments. ;)

Re: [osCommerce] Category depth not as deep as set?

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:59 am
by inveo
shotputty wrote:What are the visible things that change in .htaccess when increasing category depth? I don't mind making some manual adjustments. ;)

If increase category depth, re-generated .htaccess file size should be bigger.


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