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Community feed
  • [Zen Cart] Can't execute Magic SEO URLs sitemaps
    I installed Magic SEO URLs Sitemaps Add-On for ZenCart MSU4.x/MSU5.x 2.0 on my server, when I try to generate sitemaps using: https://www.pechesudv155.owally.com/sitemaps.php I received :...
    by peter@pechesud.com
  • [phpBB3] Sharing users between phpBB / PrestaShop
    Hi i have 2 question 1- prestashop module support phpBB 3.3 ? 2- why we can not login in prestashop and phpbb with same user?
    by zohall
  • [phpBB3] AJAX Userinfo Extension
    Hi! I'm having trouble with this extension: https://www.phpbb.com/customise/db/exte ... _userinfo/ I tried asking support from the author but for no avail, since now. My request for support...
    by Lord Phobos
  • [phpBB3] Upgrade to phpBB 3.2.3
    Hello.. after Upgrade to phpBB 3.2.3 I am getting this message.. How can I solve this issue..? Thank you
    by ingbrzy
  • [phpBB3] URL path changed
    Hello.. I have changed my site path after moving to new hosting and now can not activate SEO module.. new path http://www.miuios.cz/domains/miuios.cz/ could you help me? thank you
    by ingbrzy2
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I installed the WordPress and WooCommerce Accelerator from Inveostore and it was really easy to configure - unlike some other caching plugins, it did not break the more complicated bits of my site and my PageSpeed score has gone from E to B even on a shared hosting plan. Luke was really helpful and the support response was very quick - I am...

Mark, the owner of Digital Marketing Works

Thank you for all the great support. I am truly impressed by your product, and by all the help you've given me to get it up and running!

Mark, the owner of Delica Canada

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