Removing Ultimate SEO URLs safely and completely (for those who are going to buy Magic SEO URLs, removal of Ultimate SEO URLs can be also included in the free installation service).
In Zen Cart administration – Tools – Install SQL Patches paste and execute the following SQL query (optional):
DELETE FROM `configuration_group` WHERE `configuration_group_title` LIKE '%SEO%'; DELETE FROM `configuration` WHERE `configuration_key` LIKE '%SEO%'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS seo_cache;
Restore the following files from ZenCart installation package:
Remove/delete the following files:
admin/includes/reset_seo_cache.php admin/includes/extra_datafiles/seo.php admin/includes/functions/extra_functions/seo.php includes/auto_loaders/config.ultimate_seo.php includes/classes/seo.install.php includes/classes/seo.url.php includes/extra_datafiles/seo.php Ultimate SEO URLs were removed.
Ultimate SEO URLs are now removed.